Week 38
I once watched someone tackle a leetcode problem using Dijkstra's algorithm, at the time it went over my head completely, leaving me with questions like how do I pronounce Dijkstra? what is a graph? how would I know when to use that? Fortunately, I think I've grown since then and I've been able to answer those questions. This particular algorithm was my key takeaway from this week's content and I've also learned about its flaws when used with negative distance vectors.
Additionally, It was also refreshing to learn about Intra-Autonomous systems, OSPF, and BGP all over again. My takeaways for these are:
- OSPF can be easily configured while BGP configuration can be more complex.
- OSPF can achieve convergence faster than BGP.
- OSPF is a hierarchical network topology/design while BGP is a mesh topology
- OSPF requires more memory and computing resources whereas BGP's resource hunger depends on the size of the routing table.
- BGP is more flexible and scalable.